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Ofsted Outstanding


This provision is rated Outstanding - OFSTED May 2022

Click here to read the full report >>

The pre-school is a hive of learning for children. They are completely engrossed in the activities, and they learn through play.

Children thrive with rich experiences that help them to learn about the world around them.

Staff work extremely well together. They provide impressive commitment, dedication and support during children's play.

Children develop secure emotional attachments with staff, who are excellent role models for children.

The highly reflective leadership and staff teams regularly monitor the quality of the provision and their practice.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are superbly supported. Early intervention is a key strength of the pre-school.

Children's behaviour is exemplary. The use of very well-established routines, combined with the excellent layout of equipment, helps to promote even the youngest children's independence and self-esteem to the highest level.

The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a strong culture of safeguarding among the leadership and staff team.

The address and telephone number of Ofsted:
National Business Unit, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD
Tel. 0300 123 4666