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Ofsted Outstanding

Settling In

For new children, particularly 2 year olds and those leaving their main carer for the first time, we have found along with the majority of other settings, following covid, that children have settled better if parents/carers do not come into session.
We do the following to support your child to begin their time at pre-school to help them feel safe and secure.

If your child is happy to enter preschool independently we will follow their lead, you will be contacted if your child becomes distressed. We therefore ask that you remain local and available to come into preschool at any point during their first sessions.

If however your child becomes unsettled at drop off then we do the following steps:- 

The First Week

Step 1 - If all goes well the parent leaves at the main door, if the child becomes distressed the parent/carer can enter the preschool with the child. 

Step 2 - If your child is happy for you to leave once you have brought them into the setting, the parent/carer can leave and we will contact you if they become distressed and cannot be distracted.

 Step 3 – We will follow your child’s lead if they are happy to stay for the whole session independently we will let you know they are ok by text message and pick them up as normal at the end of their session.

 Step 4 - If your child has still not settled then we will begin a graduated in take and discuss the steps with you. 

Your child’s key person and preschool manager will guide you through on their first day. Most children settle using this method within an hour, some take only minutes, others may take days.

If you wish to discuss this in further detail, please contact us.